Hi All,
I know I promised I would be online more because the connection was fixed, but unfortunately, the connection became unfixed encore.
I have been busy in village making yet another world map. School ended at the end of May, but then came the exam period. The BEPC came and went (end of middle school exam) and then the CEPE (end of primary school exam). The results in my village were not spectacular, but they weren't terrible either. The BAC (first tour, end of high school exam) is finishing up around the country.
A little about the French-ified school system. At the end of each school year, the students (and also anyone who isn't in the school system and registers) takes the examens to get their diplome at whatever level they are trying to get. This basically involves 2 to 4 days of intense testing followed by a second tour (basically a redo in French and Math for those who at least make a certain cutoff level). The subject material didn't seem so bad to me, but then again, there were also errors during the second tour.
Everyone is leaving my village now that the rain has really started (last Saturday). The fonctionnaires to go on vacation and the villagers to cultivate. So, all in all the only people in village are the people who are too young or too old to work all day in the fields. Unfortunately, this cross-section of the village population leaves something to be desired in the French-speaking ability.
My progress in Moore/Jula/San has not made any real advances. Though I've started to recognize that there are more similarities between Jula and San than Moore and San.
Tired. Will be internet-able for tomorrow and Saturday.
Please note. While it says "April" that's when I started this post. I really posted in June. Darn you internet.
13 years ago