Being unclever, I wanted to internet today, but the more expensive place is closed, so I am just down the street from my house, but I can't upload any pictures and it is also going to take me a while to type a comprehensible post, so bear with me.
Rain is good, but the other PCTss and I are getting tired of rain on Sundays when we want to hang out at the pool in town.
We are now officially at the start of week 10. Tomorrow I am giving a chemistry test. I am also getting my first official San lesson. San is the language primarily spoken in my village. I am also learning Mooré (spoken in the capital and throughout most of central BF by the Mossi) and Jula (western BF). So, on top of French, I am also trying to learn three local languages. I can do basic salutations in Mooré, but that is about it. I have only had one lesson in Jula, and I have already forgotten most of it. I know less than a handful of phrases in San courtesy of one of the staff members who is Samo (and actually originally from the village I am going too). I figured out that by the end of all this, I will have a minimal comprehension of almost ten languages/dialects. That is if I don't go crazy from being in village and learning all these languages. On the plus side, like my first language/dialect, there is no conjugation involved, which makes it easier than French, in theory.
General whining, being female in Africa stinks for multiple reasons, but my top complaints are anything involving excretion from the body and biking in a skirt. Other things that I would like to complain about, but don't have time for: flies, latrines, toilets, missing friends and family, limited contact with people (coming up at the end of August), food from home and other cultures that don't involve starch doused in palm oil!
Things that are awesome (aka, why I am still here): teaching and being told by my students in (6è) that they miss me, receiving a ton of letters and packages from people who love me, my host family, getting clothes made in africa (I will post a picture later of my very enviable molecule pants), the PCVs, the PCTs, and the staff.
Days till swear-in (not including today): 12
13 years ago
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